Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Few Scientific Facts About Hemp

Both industrial hemp and marijuana are both classified as Cannabis sativa by taxonomists. Hemp is a species with hundreds of varieties. C. sativa is a member of the mulberry family. Industrial hemp is bred to maximize fiber, seed and oil. Marijuana is bred to maximize the THC. THC is delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol which is the primary psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. THC is what makes people "high."

Industrial hemp and marijuana look somewhat alike to the untrained eye. Someone trained can detect the difference.

Industrial hemp has the THC content of somewhere between 0.05% to 1%. Marijuana, on the other hand, has the THC content of 3% to 20%! To receive the same "high" from industrial hemp as one does from marijuana, one would have to smoke 10-12 hemp cigarettes over an extremely short period of time. Now that's a lot of huffing and puffing! The large volume and high temperature of vapor, gas, and smoke would be nearly impossible for a person to withstand.

Now if hemp does pollinate any nearby marijuana, the result will always be lower THC marijuana, not higher THC hemp. If grown outdoors, marijuana will not be grown close by industrial hemp to avoid producing lower grade marijuana. To me, this is all the more reason our government should allow the growing of industrial hemp.

Industrial hemp fibers are longer, stronger, and more absorbent and mildew-resistent than cotton.

Fabrics that are made of at least 50% hemp block the sun's UV rays better than other fabrics on their own.

Many varieties of hemp that WERE grown in North America have been lost because seed banks were not maintained. Dumb move! Various state national guard units often spend their time trying to eradicate industrial hemp in the mistaken belief that they are helping stop drug us.

Back in 1938 Popular Mechanics described hemp as a "NEW BILLION DOLLAR CROP." That was written when a billion dollars was REAL money!

Hemp can be made in to a variety of fabric, including linen quality.

From all this you can see what a valuable plant hemp is. It's good for you! It's good for the earth! It's good for the economy! Why did our congress outlaw it! Consider how resurrecting such a crop in the United States could add fuel to our crippled economy!

There is a company in the United States called ForeverGreen. They are on a campaign to educate people about hemp and offer awesome hemp products. Versativa is their hemp division. To find out more go to the Versativa will receive quite an education and opportunity to become part of the hemp awareness movement.

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