Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hemp Has No Equal!

I post this because the information is good, but the producer has confused Industrial Hemp and Marijuana. They are NOT the same! I hope the confusion is not intentional. My desire with this blog is not to promote Marijuana. Though it has wonderful properties, it is misused for the "high" you get from it, and that is too bad. Industrial Hemp is a distant cousin to Marijuana and cannot make you high. Please keep this in mind as you view this video. The producer is speaking of Industrial Hemp while promoting (confusing it with) Marijuana. However, like I wrote earlier, the information is sound regarding the properties and uses of INDUSTRIAL HEMP and that is the only reason I post this.

I am a big fan of Industrial Hemp and believe it can benefit our lives, society, and economy greatly. I am part of a movement to bring about the legalization of Industrial Hemp in the United States, not Marijuana. I have a business that promotes Hemp products that are absolutely awesome. If you are interested in learning more about Hemp and the business opportunity I have, please go to my Versativa website.

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