Friday, April 22, 2011

Why My Interest in Hemp

Personally I never considered hemp. I always thought it was related to the hippy movement and illegal drugs. However I never realized how important a crop it really is. For instance, I didn't know that it takes 4 acres of trees to make the same amount of paper 1 acre of hemp can produce. Think of it, 4 acres of trees that took at least 20 years to grow to produce the same amount of paper as 1 acre of hemp in just one short season.

I didn't know that hemp is being used to heal land in places like Russia. It is being grown around Chernobyl for that very reason. Think of it, a plant that heals soil and can actually grow in just about any soil.

Now the question. With all the global warming talk backed by many of our politicians, why are they not pushing the growing of hemp in the United States? The answer: Just follow the money! Al Gore and those like him have no interest in ecology. To them global warming is a money making opportunity. Growing hemp would actually take money out of their pockets and the pockets of big oil, big lumber, big cotton and the like. Personally that sickens me!

If you would like to sign a petition, please go to my Versativa website to sign a petition to support the growing of hemp. I believe that it is in the best interest of this county to legalize the growing of industrial hemp.

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